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Power BI | Excel | Python | SQL
Antriksh Sharma
Jul 1, 20212 min read
Dynamically Remove Null Columns in Power Query with M code
I was recently working with a dataset and found that there were a lot of columns that were completely null, now going 1 by 1 through each...
Antriksh Sharma
Jun 30, 20211 min read
Show measures in Power BI based on slicer selection
One of the very common requirement of Power BI users is that of showing only those measures in a visual which are selected in a slicer....
Antriksh Sharma
Jun 24, 20211 min read
Create relationships in Power BI with Tabular Editor
Creating relationships in Power BI is as simple as it can get but to be able to edit/create relationships in Power BI with TE is...
Antriksh Sharma
Jun 17, 20211 min read
Dynamically change column names in Power Query using predefined values
In Power Query if you want to change names of columns you can easily do so by going through each column one by one and then renaming...
Antriksh Sharma
Jun 8, 20211 min read
Create Calculated Table in Power BI with Tabular Editor
Out of the box TE doesn't allows you to create Calculated Table in Power BI, but if you want you can easily do that. To be able to create...
Antriksh Sharma
May 29, 20215 min read
Optimizing calculations involving CROSSJOIN in DAX for Power BI, Power Pivot and SSAS.
In this blog I am going to show you how you can optimize a simple measure involving CROSSJOIN and in the process we are also going to...
Antriksh Sharma
May 26, 20211 min read
Option Private Module in VBA - Prevent users from accessing sub-routine or functions.
VBA allows you to create sub-routines or functions that can be hidden from the end user using only Excel interface, but sometimes that...
Antriksh Sharma
May 24, 20213 min read
Inverse SUM in DAX
In this blog let's see how to compute value of the measure for every other value of a column except for the one that is currently visible...
Antriksh Sharma
May 12, 20214 min read
ADDCOLUMNS Function in DAX for Power BI, Power Pivot and SSAS
ADDCOLUMNS is a DAX table function that allows user to add new columns to the existing data. It has 3 main Arguments Table - The table on...
Antriksh Sharma
May 9, 20211 min read
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Antriksh Sharma
May 7, 20211 min read
SQL to DAX: Select/Project Columns
In this blog let's understand the difference between selecting columns in SQL vs DAX, i am using a fairly simple Product table which...
Antriksh Sharma
May 4, 20215 min read
Circular Dependency between Calculated Columns in a Table in DAX
In this article let's understand what Circular Dependency is and how it can cause issues when creating Calculated Columns in a Fact table...
Antriksh Sharma
May 3, 20211 min read
Clean a string using M in Power Query
In this blog I am going to show you how you can remove unwanted characters all at once from an improper text string like the following...
Antriksh Sharma
May 2, 20214 min read
Why you shouldn't add a 0 at the end of a DAX code
Power BI allows you to create reports easily by bringing columns from multiple tables or from a single table and by putting those columns...
Antriksh Sharma
May 1, 20213 min read
PARALLELPERIOD is a DAX function that allows you to shift MONTH, QUARTER, or YEAR based on the the dates visible in the filter context,...
Antriksh Sharma
Apr 16, 20211 min read
Create static Row Level Security in Power BI
RLS or Row Level Security allows admins to restrict the data access for a particular user. You can define RLS only in Power BI Desktop...
Antriksh Sharma
Apr 16, 20215 min read
Extract numbers from an alphanumeric string using DAX
Extracting numbers from an alphanumeric string like "b52h1l1h8gyv3kb7qi3" and then summing or just concatenating those values is really...
Antriksh Sharma
Apr 10, 20212 min read
Create beautiful themes for Power BI
What's the best way to create color schemes/themes for your Next Power BI report? Let's see that today! Credits - I learned this trick...
Antriksh Sharma
Apr 9, 20213 min read
How to create Running Total on Non-Numeric Fields in Power BI using DAX
Creating running totals on a numeric or date field is pretty easy because you always have something that you can use to compare against...
Antriksh Sharma
Apr 9, 20217 min read
How To Exclude Slicer Selection from the result with DAX in Power BI
One of a very common requirement that I have seen is to be able to filter out the selection made in the slicer from a visual such as a...
Antriksh Sharma
Apr 7, 20211 min read
Sneak Peak of a code inside a DAX Measure
Wouldn’t it be awesome if we could sneak peak the code of a measure A when we are writing a different measure B and calling measure A...
Antriksh Sharma
Mar 21, 20211 min read
DAX | CALCULATE | March’ 2021 Update
Effective March update of Power BI you can specify different columns in the single filter argument of CALCULATE without writing the...
Antriksh Sharma
Mar 1, 20211 min read
Power BI: Visualizing Filter context
If there is one thing every DAX developer has ever dreamt about is to be able to view the filter context inside Power BI to debug DAX...
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